IELTS general training exams for people with special needs
IELTS or International English Language Testing System is a test taken by people from various walks of life. This test is designed to gauge the person’s capabilities in the language of English and the process consists of four different tests based on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Many times, the person attempting the test may be physically impaired or in need of any other special requirement. Read this article to find out the what IELTS general training test is ready to provide, and how to avail them.
Visual impairment
If the applicant has any sort of visual impairment, they will be required to inform the test center three months before the day of the test.
Speech or audio impairment
You will need to notify your test center three months in advance about the impairments that you suffer from, and if you use any particular hearing aid.
Other impairments
There are various other physical and nervous impairments, other than these three, that may affect the test-taking capabilities of a candidate. IELTS is prepared for such situations. There are various methods as to how you can take the test in case your particular impairment prevents you from taking it in the traditional way, i.e. pen and paper. There are special versions of the hearing test, provided through mechanisms, and you can also choose to use a computer for the writing test. You can ask for a helper to write your answers and also a transcriber to read them out to you at the end.
Apart from these, there are also other facilities provided by the IELTS for applicants with special needs, so make sure you check their website thoroughly to know whether you can use that particular aid.