Home - Pest control
Common DIY home pest control solutions

Common DIY home pest control solutions

Pests are any organisms that spread disease or cause nuisance around the home. Common examples include cockroaches, ants, termites, rats, bed bugs, beetles, ticks, spiders, stink bugs, moths, silverfish, mosquitoes, and crickets. Most people rely on professional pest control services to get rid of pests from their homes. Since these can be quite expensive, many people are also making a shift to more affordable, and often safer DIY strategies to control and eliminate household pests.
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Home remedies for flea infestation

Home remedies for flea infestation

Fleas are creepy creatures that love to survive in places where it is warm and humid. Hence, pets become their hosts. A female flea lays up to 600 eggs in her lifetime and in no time, the eggs become fleas to suck the blood on your pets. The eggs laid by the female flea can get dropped in your home on your carpet, living areas, or bedding.
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Pest control: Its importance and the best names in the market

Pest control: Its importance and the best names in the market

For as long has humans have walked the earth, they have not been the only creatures to co-exist alongside sharing the same habitat. Humans are part of the same kingdom as many other organisms, some not even viable to the naked eye. History has given us a glimpse of codependent existence between both the worlds, but often the co-relation has failed, for there are certain tiny bugs that are harmful and unhealthy to exist beside human living.
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6 Ways to Deal With a Mealybug Infestation

6 Ways to Deal With a Mealybug Infestation

Mealybugs are tiny insects that feast on small plants. The bugs are not longer than 1/10th of an inch when they hatch. With a gray or off-white color and an oval shape, the insects resemble small wads of cotton. The females can lay hundreds of eggs at a time, so an infestation can get out of hand if not addressed in time.
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Getting rid of fleas on pets

Getting rid of fleas on pets

Summer months are hard on pet owners because it is the time when dogs and cats are infested with fleas. Fleas are small, dark brown colored insects and are of the size of the head of a pin. They live in the temperatures of 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and prefer humidity levels of 75 to 85 percent.
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How does Integrated Pest Management work

How does Integrated Pest Management work

IPM (Integrated Pest Management), a.k.a. integrated pest control (IPC), refers to environmental-friendly economic management of pests. Like other pest control management approaches, IPM focuses on controlling the pests with the combination of natural and economic practices and principles. With the current, comprehensive information, IPM deals with the strategic methods to maintain and manage pest damage with limited toxic exposure and lesser impact on pests, the people, and the environment.
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