Home - Pest control
6 Ways to Deal With a Mealybug Infestation

6 Ways to Deal With a Mealybug Infestation

Mealybugs are tiny insects that feast on small plants. The bugs are not longer than 1/10th of an inch when they hatch. With a gray or off-white color and an oval shape, the insects resemble small wads of cotton. The females can lay hundreds of eggs at a time, so an infestation can get out of hand if not addressed in time.
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Pest control companies

Pest control companies

Having had a constant inflow of demand from the general public and large-scale companies and businesses, there has been a huge list of companies who have lined up in a queue, providing their services. The constant demand cycle of consumers has enabled a wide variety of services to be formulated as per the specific requirements a person troubled with pests might have.
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How to keep your home allergy-free

How to keep your home allergy-free

It is important to understand the necessity of cleanliness above everything else. An unclean environment can lead you to have various kinds of consequences, the most common discomfort being allergy. Dust and dirt have a connection with diseases and allergies since time immemorial. A simple dust allergy can lead you to have further chained results if not taken care of immediately.
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Indoor causes of regular sickness and their precautions

Indoor causes of regular sickness and their precautions

In July 2016, a woman became victim of cervical cancer thrice. It was reported that her dirty house was the main hurdle in her recuperation. Most people believe that germs breed only in coffee shops, public washrooms, and other outdoor places, which are the reasons behind them regularly falling sick.
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