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Breast pain – Types and ways to manage it

Breast pain – Types and ways to manage it

Breast pain is the feeling of discomfort and tenderness in the breasts and the region that surrounds the breast. Symptoms of several reasons may cause this pain. Contrary to popular belief, breast pain is not always caused by or is not a sign of breast cancer. Most women experience breast pain, at least once in their lifetime.
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6 common causes of breast pain

6 common causes of breast pain

Breast pain is experienced by most women, with nearly 70 percent reporting the same at least once in their lifetime. The pain may occur in the breast or anywhere around the chest. While breast pain may send down a fear of breast cancer, it isn’t always true and can be caused by several other factors.
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10 home remedies for quick abdominal pain relief

10 home remedies for quick abdominal pain relief

Abdominal pain is classified as the pain that occurs somewhere between the chest and pelvic regions. It can be a pain in the form of cramps, menstrual cramps, a dull pain, an achy pain, or a sharp pain. Here’s a list of home remedies for quick abdominal pain relief: Hot Water Drinking hot water can be effective if you have pain in the abdomen.
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Lung disorders caused by chest pain

Lung disorders caused by chest pain

A chest pain does not necessarily mean that you have a heart attack, it can have many other causes and symptoms. Apart from the heart issues, there are also many other components that can cause a right-side chest pain. It could be due to a cold, infection, an injury to your ribs, or an issue with your lungs.
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Foot pain – their types and causes

Foot pain – their types and causes

The problem with foot pain is that it affects mostly adults at any given time. There can be many sources of pain and they can be difficult to describe. This makes it difficult and challenging for healthcare professionals to get to the root of the pain. Different type of foot pain is caused due to different conditions.
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Pillows for neck pain – How to choose the best?

Pillows for neck pain – How to choose the best?

In most cases, we have woken up with a pain in the neck area. According to some scientific studies, at any given time, approximately 13 % of all Americans suffer from neck pain. More women than men suffer from pain in the neck area. Neck pain often arises due to the inflammation of the muscles, tendons and ligaments in and around the cervical spine area.
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