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Flu – All About It

Flu – All About It

Rationale Influenza is a disease caused by a virus. The flu is unlike other illness in that antibiotics will not cure it. The treatment of influenza is mainly symptomatic, meaning that the medications given are only to reduce the symptoms caused by the illness, not to treat the cause of the illness.
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Cholesterol Information and Prevention

Cholesterol Information and Prevention

Cholesterol is a word originating from the ancient Greek words chole- (bile) and stereos (solid). It is a sterol, which is a modified steroid. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all cells of the body. Your body doesn’t just have cholesterol, it needs it to function properly.
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6 foods to eat and avoid for heartburn

6 foods to eat and avoid for heartburn

Heartburn, also referred to as acid reflux, is characterized by an uncomfortable burning feeling or pain in the chest. Occasional heartburn is common among adults and isn’t a major concern. If you’re wondering what causes bad heartburn, it’s usually certain trigger foods like chocolates, onions, and fatty foods. To relieve symptoms, it’s important to carefully choose your meals.
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Top 3 TV bundles of 2018

Top 3 TV bundles of 2018

TV bundles, or TV packages, are the package of channels that you buy from your service provider on a monthly or yearly basis. With so many service providers in the country, today it has become a challenge to find the best package for a household. Most cable TV companies offer a range of TV bundles that are meant for different purposes, like a sports package, a family package, etc.
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Common Causes of Excessive Sweating

Common Causes of Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a normal process of a human body. It is the body’s way of cooling itself. Every human body has 2 to 5 million sweat glands. Human body sweats more in places like feet, hands and the forehead. On the contrary, armpits have very fewer sweat glands, but people think the ratio of sweating is the most there.
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The biggest online threats in 2018

The biggest online threats in 2018

Data breaches have become a common threat to cybersecurity today. Everyone is on the verge of thinking that nothing is safe on the Internet. Business organizations are at a higher risk than individuals as the companies suffer from financial losses and decline in market shares after becoming a victim of a major data breach.
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