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Causes and Relief Measures for Toe Pain

Causes and Relief Measures for Toe Pain

Toe pain has many causes. Since there are many joints in these small digits, any injury can cause acute pain. It is important to find the causes of the pain, before picking the right treatment. Causes of Toe Pain Toe pain can result from a direct injury like a stubbed toe, or it can be the symptom or effect, or other disorders.
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Here are Your Treatment Options For Hip Pain

Here are Your Treatment Options For Hip Pain

The hip is one of the most important joints in our body. It is a pivotal joint, designed to withstand repeated motion and different types of movement. The cartilage between the joints and the muscles in this region protects the hip joint from many types of injuries. Hip pain is one of the most common types of pain experienced by people.
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Causes and Precautionary Measures for Watery Eyes from Allergies

Causes and Precautionary Measures for Watery Eyes from Allergies

An individual’s eyes are highly sensitive and are the first ones to react to any sort of allergy. The most prominent symptoms include a peculiar burning sensation, redness, and watery discharge from the eyes. Allergies are temporary in nature and can be avoided by staying away from the potential source.
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Causes Symptoms and Cure for Pneumonia

Causes Symptoms and Cure for Pneumonia

A sudden bout of coughing accompanied by sneezing or breathlessness can be an indication of pneumonia. One of the most common types of lung infection, pneumonia affects people of all ages. Children and adults with low resistance power are more prone to this condition. However, medicines and cures are available for pneumonia and diagnosing it at an early stage does not make any life threatening impact on the patient.
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Premature Ejaculation- Facts and Medications

Premature Ejaculation- Facts and Medications

Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a man has an orgasm too quickly and discharges semen before he’s ready to climax. It can occur during sexual intercourse, and can be highly frustrating for both partners. It is an uncontrollable situation that can often lead to unsatisfactory sex for both partners.
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Know about the Spinal Fusion Surgery

Know about the Spinal Fusion Surgery

A spinal fusion surgery is used to join or fuse the vertebrae in the lower back. It is used to join the vertebrae permanently to disable motion between them. This major surgery is conducted for hours. The techniques used in spinal fusion surgery are same as the normal healing of broken bones.
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