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Tips to Treat Cold Sores Effectually

Tips to Treat Cold Sores Effectually

A cold sore appears as a blister that is filled with fluid beneath the skin surface on the lips or around the mouth. This source can break open and ooze. Sometimes it can last up to ten days, and during these days feeling uncomfortable and excess pain is common. How to get rid of cold sores?
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Several Treatment Options for Allergies

Several Treatment Options for Allergies

An allergic reaction is often a result of detection of a foreign substance that is harmful to the immune system. As a reaction to these allergens, the immune system reacts with symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, and inflammation. If the allergy is mild then it can be treated with the help of over-the-counter medications and home remedies.
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A Complete Guide to Diabetic Feet Care

A Complete Guide to Diabetic Feet Care

Diabetes, which is also referred to as diabetes mellitus, is a health disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. This is caused due to fluctuating insulin levels in the body. It is a long-term condition that affects various parts of the body like heart, kidneys, and limbs in the long run.
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Best Treatment Methods for External Hemorrhoids

Best Treatment Methods for External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids also known as piles affect the veins present outside the anus, resulting in bleeding, itching and cracking. These cause the veins to swell and get inflamed due to an increase in pressure in the lower rectum. There are a variety of reasons which can cause hemorrhoids like sitting on the toilet for long periods of time, being obese, anal intercourse, low fiber diet, straining to have bowel movements, pregnancy, poor posture and more.
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Effective Treatment Methods for Tick-borne Illness

Effective Treatment Methods for Tick-borne Illness

Ticks—the small-sized bloodsucking arthropods—are the leading carriers of various vector-borne diseases in humans. In most of the cases, the toxins, organisms, or secretions in the tick’s saliva that transmit through the tick bite cause such diseases. According to various medical studies, different types of tick-borne diseases can be found in the country.
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Here’s How to Get Quick Relief From Yeast Infections

Here’s How to Get Quick Relief From Yeast Infections

The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) says that 20% of women live with the Candida fungus without developing yeast infections. However, for most women, yeast infections are a nuisance that occurs at least once in an average woman’s life. Men can also develop yeast infections. A yeast infection can be quite troublesome as it comes with symptoms like itchiness, a burning sensation, and an embarrassing discharge.
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