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Understanding the Treatment Options for Stage IV Breast Cancer

Understanding the Treatment Options for Stage IV Breast Cancer

There are 4 stages of breast cancer—stage I, II, III, and IV. Stage IV breast cancer is also known as metastatic or even secondary breast cancer and is the most advanced stage of breast cancer. If left untreated for a long time, then cancer metastasizes (spreads) beyond the breast. Most often, metastatic breast cancer spreads through the lymphatic system to the liver, bones, lungs, and brain.
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What you Need to Know About Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard

What you Need to Know About Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard

Obstructive sleep apnea better known as snoring, is a potentially fatal disorder. It restraints breathing of the individual during sleep. People use Oral Appliances like mouth guards to control, or stop obstructive sleep apnea. This helps them sleep better and reduce various health risks associated with it. Risks of untreated or undertreated sleep apnea include heart attack, stroke, deadly heart rhythms, mood and memory disorder.
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The Best Ways to Treat Meningitis

The Best Ways to Treat Meningitis

It is import to first screen the condition. Carrying a meningitis diagnose help a physician learn the severity of the disease and recommend a treatment accordingly. Therefore, one comes to a treatment, it is essential to first report the nature of the disease experienced by a patient. Let us know about the diagnosis before studying the options for treatment for meningitis.
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Symptoms and Remedies for Sleep Apnea

Symptoms and Remedies for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is quite a common sleeping disorder these days. If you experience poor quality of sleep, it might be due to sleep apnea. This disorder causes oxygen deficiency in the body due to uncontrollable pauses while breathing and shallow or short breaths during sleep. Sleep apnea often causes one to wake up startled.
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What To Expect During Menopause Hot Flashes

What To Expect During Menopause Hot Flashes

A woman will experience menopause during her 40s or 50s. It is when she no longer gets her period and is unable to get pregnant naturally. It is usually confirmed when the period stops for more than 12 months. Once the ovaries stop functioning, there is an imbalance of hormones in the body.
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The Best Eye Drops for Dry Eyes

The Best Eye Drops for Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is the lack of adequate moisture or lubrication on the surface of the eye. It has a number of causes and, if left untreated, could have serious consequences. Eye drops for dry eyes are the most convenient way of treating dry eye syndrome. Take proper care of the eyes and ensure taking the necessary precautions to avoid dry eyes.
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