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Treatment Options for Mild Diarrhea

Treatment Options for Mild Diarrhea

Under normal circumstances, diarrhea disappears on its own within a few days. You do not have to take any serious treatment as some lifestyle changes and certain home remedies make up the diarrhea treatments. It is only when you do not get relief from these methods that doctors may recommend other types of medications and treatments.
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Tips to remove uric acid from the body

Tips to remove uric acid from the body

High levels of uric acid in the blood causes a condition called hyperuricemia. One of the main functions of the kidney is the excretion of the uric acid from the body. The condition called hyperuricemia is caused when there is a high production of uric acid in the body or when the excretion of the uric acid from the body decreases by kidneys.
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Suggestions to Find the Best Back Pain Mattress

Suggestions to Find the Best Back Pain Mattress

Back pain or neck pain is holding you back from performing your everyday task freely? You do not feel the usual activeness when you wake up in the morning! Well, then you must be sleeping in the wrong mattress. Many of you may ignore back pain caused by the improper mattress in the initial stages and have to experience mobility problems in their middle age.
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Top 10 Home Remedies to Treat Gum Disease

Top 10 Home Remedies to Treat Gum Disease

Gum disease or gingivitis is the result of poor oral hygiene. Plaque builds along and under the gum line leading to gingivitis. The symptoms manifest as—persistent bad breath, swelling in the gums accompanied by redness, bleeding in the gums, loose teeth, and receding gums. While poor oral hygiene can be identified as the sole factor causing gingivitis, other factors like hormonal changes, smoking, stress, a diet that is nutritionally deficient, certain medications, diabetes and other illnesses can be contributing factors.
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The Probiotic Guide for Crohn’s Disease

The Probiotic Guide for Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s Disease also known as Ileitis is a chronic disease that affects the bowels. Crohn’s disease is known to cause acute inflammation of the digestive tract and measurably deteriorates the quality of your life. This disease is named in honor of Dr. Burill B. Crohn who in 1932 first identified the complication.
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Things You Should Know About Affordable Dental Implants

Things You Should Know About Affordable Dental Implants

Who doesn’t dreams of a flawless white set of teeth like those in commercials or of the celeb’s? While few of us are blessed with a good and perfect set of teeth, there are few others who are cursed with dental flaws, no wonder why they shy away from being photographed.
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