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Garcinia – A simple fruit with numerous health benefits

Garcinia – A simple fruit with numerous health benefits

Garcinia Cambogia – a pretty fancy name for fruit, isn’t it? Not many of us know still about this fruit. Garcinia was previously just the less familiar type of a popular fruit, the mangosteen. But in the present scenario, Garcinia Cambogia is much into the limelight. Of late, nutritional supplements that combine the essences of Garcinia Cambogia have become the craze.
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7 natural and effective atopic dermatitis treatments

7 natural and effective atopic dermatitis treatments

Commonly observed among babies and young children, atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema is a kind of skin inflammation. The cause of this condition is not known. However, it has been observed that a weak immune system, genetics, exposure to harsh environmental conditions may lead to this disease of the skin.
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Symptoms of Heartburn and How to Treat It

Symptoms of Heartburn and How to Treat It

It begins as a burning pain in your chest. Slowly, it creeps upwards to the neck. Often, there is a terrible sensation of food you just ate coming back to your mouth. This causes a sour or bitter taste to flood your mouth, waking your gag reflex. Most of us have experienced this.
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How Apple Cider Vinegar Is a Natural Remedy for Gout

How Apple Cider Vinegar Is a Natural Remedy for Gout

Using natural ingredients and home remedies for treating some of the most common ailments has always been considered the best approach. Some redundant and chronic ailments can bother the normal functioning of a human body for a long period. Treating such ailments with natural remedies is beneficial in the long run as you will not end up ingesting chemicals in the form of prescription drugs.
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A Quick Guide on Treating Hemorrhoids

A Quick Guide on Treating Hemorrhoids

Out of every ten people in the world, almost three individuals experience the pain and the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids which are also known as piles. This is a disease where the veins in the anal part or the lower section of the rectum get swollen due to which the individual would experience pain and discomfort and might also have bloody stool.
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Top seven tips to lower blood sugar

Top seven tips to lower blood sugar

It goes without saying that having high levels of blood sugar is not just discomforting, but debilitating for your health as well. When you are affected by type 2 diabetes, your choice of foods can go a long way in helping you manage it. Diabetes happens when a person has his glucose or blood sugar levels higher than normal.
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