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5 Major causes of UTIs

5 Major causes of UTIs

Our body has been designed to know what is beneficial for it and what would bring it in harm’s way. Thus, our mechanisms allow the waste products from our body to exit and makes room for better things to remain. When you have to answer nature’s call or take a morning dump, that is your body’s way of ridding you off the bad materials that would otherwise plague your body.
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6 effective home-remedies for curing UTIs

6 effective home-remedies for curing UTIs

UTI is a common infection that affects a majority of individuals at least once in their lifetime. You can diagnose yourself with a UTI when you experience the urge to pee frequently or when you experience a tingling and burning sensation when you pee. The UTI causing bacteria would have firmly lodged themselves in your urinary tract and all these symptoms indicate that they have already started wrecking havoc in your system.
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4 major causes of high cholesterol

4 major causes of high cholesterol

We have often heard the phrase- practice moderation in all things. This applies to almost everything in our lives. If you have a sweet tooth, eat sweets in moderation, if you love alcohol, drink in moderation, et al. The same concept applies when one thinks of cholesterol. Our body needs cholesterol to perform a variety of bodily functions.
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The birth of modern orthopedics

The birth of modern orthopedics

It was in the 1960s-1970s that modern orthopedics took birth, especially after the contributions of Hugh Owen Thomas. Finally, intramedullary fixations were being done without opening up the fracture. This technology was popularized by the Harborview Medical Center in the Seattle group in the late 1970s. Modern hip and joint replacement The next big step in the evolution of orthopedics was joints and hip replacement which took place in the year 1960 by Sir John Charnley, an expert in tribology at Wrightington Hospital in England.
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Blood pressure chart: Know it all

Blood pressure chart: Know it all

The heart is an integral part of our body system. It pumps out blood to the arteries. The force with which it exerts blood into the arteries is the blood pressure. A device called sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure. The normal and abnormal The normal blood pressure of a human being should range between 120 mm HG to 80 mm HG.
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How to get rid of common cold and flu?

How to get rid of common cold and flu?

Common cold can be dated back to stone ages. It is one of the easily spread diseases by a virus and needless to say, mankind has been for ages trying to curb the symptoms and the condition altogether. It is also a fact that common cold is one of the condition for which medical attention is seldom sought after and only when the symptoms do not go away do we get it to the attention of the doctor.
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