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An essential guide to fever temperature chart and fever blisters

An essential guide to fever temperature chart and fever blisters

You recall ever feeling like your body is placed into a blast furnace and being soaked with sweat all night? We have all been there. Being under the weather and down with fever might not be a thing to worry about, but it is important to know about your temperature and know when you should see a doctor.
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A brief guide to Fever Temperature Chart

A brief guide to Fever Temperature Chart

Having a temperature is something most people are well acquainted with. Fever, you might have noticed, is harmless. But if it stays with you for a long time, then that should be something you should be bothered about. So, how do you come to know that you have a fever?
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4 Natural ways that boost the immune system

4 Natural ways that boost the immune system

Our immune system is a brigade that keeps away illnesses and diseases. There are countless bacteria and viruses that loathe around us, and if not for the immune system, we would be falling sick every short while. While controlling the unhealthy bacteria in the environment may be beyond our control, we can strengthen our immune system to withstand and put up a fight against these viruses.
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5 popular types of stop snoring devices you must know about

5 popular types of stop snoring devices you must know about

Sleep disorders can stem from a variety of reasons that can mostly be cured by simply bringing some positive lifestyle changes. Obstructive sleep apnea, however, is a condition that cannot be treated just by incorporating routine changes. To treat the condition, many experts recommend the use of some of the best stop snoring devices.
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How to improve blood circulation using healthy foods

How to improve blood circulation using healthy foods

A healthy blood circulation is necessary to the keep the body fit and healthy. The different parts and pivotal organs of the body are fuelled as an effect of constant blood flow. However, today, a large number of people live an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. This way of living has a huge impact on the circulation of blood in the body.
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The 4 common causes of blepharitis

The 4 common causes of blepharitis

Blepharitis is an eye disorder in which the eyelids are inflamed. The condition causes the eyelids and the area around the eyelashes to become irritated, itchy and form dandruff-like scales. An individual who suffers from this disorder experiences a burning sensation with excessive swelling on the surface of eye’s skin.
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